Serbia in January. Cold, depressive weather. Snow is falling for days.
Yet, a bunch of young people has taken a bad-looking train. They are riding on a concert of their favorite band, Burned Band from Earth (Zemaljski Bend Zagorelo).
Nothing unusual, except one thing: the members of the band are travelling with their audience, and the band produces music by hitting the xylophone and by torturing the accordion.
It sounds like an aimless journey, one might say, and it makes no sense. Maybe. But for these people the journey is the aim. And they are making their own sense.
"The Road to High Earth" is a movie that captures the most peculiar concert one could see in Serbia. It is a road-movie documentary that follows a group of young people in Serbia on their journey to Burned Band from Earth's concert. Burned Band plays a dozen songs that are made completely out of endlessly repeated words, with no music at all.
Then why would anyone make a movie about them?
We decided to make a movie because in this journey we saw a story about resistance to the pressure of politics, about escape from boring reality, about friendship and unusual unity of art and life.
"...čini mi se da sam nakon tri gledanja stekao pravu da ustvrdim (pa greh i na moju dušu ako se ogrešim) da je čitava ta priča o situacionistima i o domaćem pelceru skrajnutih kulturnih struja naknadno vešto plantovana kako bi se unelo kakvo-takvo značenje nesuvisloj kvazi-artističkoj priči benda Zagorelo i pružilo dostojanstvo jednom inače privatnom ludilu..."
Ginger Toxiqo 2 Gafotas, forum Znak Sagite
Produced by: Sinisa Dugonjić & Ivan Zlatić
Directed by: Ivan Velisavljević & Ivan Zlatić
Screenplay: Ivan Velisavljević
Director of Photography & Editor Siniša Dugonjić
Music: Zemaljski bend Zagorelo, Virvel, Trenje
Cast (as themselves):
Siniša Jelovac
Branislav Jemč
Vladan Marković
Sanja Miljanović, Božidar Zrnić, Dušan Miletić, Bojan Todorović, Jelena Bodrožić, Zorana Lalić, Christopher Stokić, Miran Klajn, Biljana Đorđević, Tereza Pal, Tanja Bodrožić, Marko Ninić, Slađana Vučijak, Ivana Kosjer, Miloš Nikolić, Katarina Milutinović
Special Thanks: Marko Krstić, Dvorska Bašta, Studio Crony
Yet, a bunch of young people has taken a bad-looking train. They are riding on a concert of their favorite band, Burned Band from Earth (Zemaljski Bend Zagorelo).
Nothing unusual, except one thing: the members of the band are travelling with their audience, and the band produces music by hitting the xylophone and by torturing the accordion.
It sounds like an aimless journey, one might say, and it makes no sense. Maybe. But for these people the journey is the aim. And they are making their own sense.
"The Road to High Earth" is a movie that captures the most peculiar concert one could see in Serbia. It is a road-movie documentary that follows a group of young people in Serbia on their journey to Burned Band from Earth's concert. Burned Band plays a dozen songs that are made completely out of endlessly repeated words, with no music at all.
Then why would anyone make a movie about them?
We decided to make a movie because in this journey we saw a story about resistance to the pressure of politics, about escape from boring reality, about friendship and unusual unity of art and life.
Za pojedince koji su bili dovoljno bezobrazni da nikada ne pogledaju film Put do visoke zemlje, evo prilike da se iskupe. Snimljen 2006. godine u produkciji udruženja Zarez, pre vremena Satibara filma, ovaj film prikazuje poslednji perfomans-koncert kultnog benda Zagorelo u Sremskim Karlovcima. Snimao i montirao Siniša Dugonjić, dok su Ivan Zlatić i Ivan Velisavljević režirali.
Učešće na festivalima i projekcije: Filmski front Novi Sad, Cheap Film Festival San Diego, Manisent i Mentalnost Tour Germany (8 cities)
Televizijska emitovanja: TV Inđija, Muzička televizija Srbije
Rekli su o filmu:
"Whose the guy who screams during the film? It scared the shit outta me. The sound is terrible too. Is this film political, is their any connection to political situation in Serbia? I didn't understand it. Whatever, we won't broadcast your film. Sorry."
Editor of Ithaca College TV, Ithaca, New York
"Jeste, meni se svideo film. Ima dobru sombre atmosferu (sneg, socijala vagoni, zabrundani ljudi, para na usta ide, ritualni put). Iz offa ima zanimljiva priča o situacionistima koja je po mom mišljenju pravi kontekst za ove likove, kolko sam o tome pročitala. Te njihove pesme su meni bile više jezive nego smešne. Imate u tim numerama ponavljanje nekih skroz običnih konstatacija iz svakodnevnog života koje kad se tolko puta ponovo zvuče preteće i depresivno. Ja se plašim rituala u životu, a imam ih podosta i znam da oni dosta toga u stvari prikrivaju, čuvaju te od tebe samog. Možda je zato na mene taj film tako delovao, u stilu ma ima tu nešto. Posle smo Ginger i ja pričali o tome, kao jel to umetnost (ne film, nego ovo sto rade Zagorelo) i to već ne znam."
Otaku, forum Znak SagiteTelevizijska emitovanja: TV Inđija, Muzička televizija Srbije
Rekli su o filmu:
"Whose the guy who screams during the film? It scared the shit outta me. The sound is terrible too. Is this film political, is their any connection to political situation in Serbia? I didn't understand it. Whatever, we won't broadcast your film. Sorry."
Editor of Ithaca College TV, Ithaca, New York
"Jeste, meni se svideo film. Ima dobru sombre atmosferu (sneg, socijala vagoni, zabrundani ljudi, para na usta ide, ritualni put). Iz offa ima zanimljiva priča o situacionistima koja je po mom mišljenju pravi kontekst za ove likove, kolko sam o tome pročitala. Te njihove pesme su meni bile više jezive nego smešne. Imate u tim numerama ponavljanje nekih skroz običnih konstatacija iz svakodnevnog života koje kad se tolko puta ponovo zvuče preteće i depresivno. Ja se plašim rituala u životu, a imam ih podosta i znam da oni dosta toga u stvari prikrivaju, čuvaju te od tebe samog. Možda je zato na mene taj film tako delovao, u stilu ma ima tu nešto. Posle smo Ginger i ja pričali o tome, kao jel to umetnost (ne film, nego ovo sto rade Zagorelo) i to već ne znam."
"...čini mi se da sam nakon tri gledanja stekao pravu da ustvrdim (pa greh i na moju dušu ako se ogrešim) da je čitava ta priča o situacionistima i o domaćem pelceru skrajnutih kulturnih struja naknadno vešto plantovana kako bi se unelo kakvo-takvo značenje nesuvisloj kvazi-artističkoj priči benda Zagorelo i pružilo dostojanstvo jednom inače privatnom ludilu..."
Ginger Toxiqo 2 Gafotas, forum Znak Sagite
Produced by: Sinisa Dugonjić & Ivan Zlatić
Directed by: Ivan Velisavljević & Ivan Zlatić
Screenplay: Ivan Velisavljević
Director of Photography & Editor Siniša Dugonjić
Music: Zemaljski bend Zagorelo, Virvel, Trenje
Cast (as themselves):
Siniša Jelovac
Branislav Jemč
Vladan Marković
Sanja Miljanović, Božidar Zrnić, Dušan Miletić, Bojan Todorović, Jelena Bodrožić, Zorana Lalić, Christopher Stokić, Miran Klajn, Biljana Đorđević, Tereza Pal, Tanja Bodrožić, Marko Ninić, Slađana Vučijak, Ivana Kosjer, Miloš Nikolić, Katarina Milutinović
Special Thanks: Marko Krstić, Dvorska Bašta, Studio Crony
Road to the high earth from sinisa dugonjic on Vimeo.
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