Dragi ljubitelji „uradi sam” filma svih uzrasta i zanimanja,
Pozivamo vas da prijavite svoje radove na konkurs za osmo izdanje međunarodnog festivala kratkog filma MikroFAF, u oraganizaciji Udruženja „Satibara”.
Ovogodišnje druženje i gledanje filmova biće od 5. do 7. oktobra u Muzeju Jugoslovenske kinoteke u Beogradu, a slogan pod kojim se festival održava je LOUD EDITION.
I dalje držimo fokus na umetničkoj slobodi, samoorganizovanosti, gerilskom filmu, art brutu, low-fi filmu, eksperimentalnim formama i svim audio-vizuelnim oblicima kroz koje imate potrebu da se izazite. Glasno!
Kategorije za koje se možete prijaviti su sledeće:
Pozivamo vas da prijavite svoje radove na konkurs za osmo izdanje međunarodnog festivala kratkog filma MikroFAF, u oraganizaciji Udruženja „Satibara”.
Ovogodišnje druženje i gledanje filmova biće od 5. do 7. oktobra u Muzeju Jugoslovenske kinoteke u Beogradu, a slogan pod kojim se festival održava je LOUD EDITION.
I dalje držimo fokus na umetničkoj slobodi, samoorganizovanosti, gerilskom filmu, art brutu, low-fi filmu, eksperimentalnim formama i svim audio-vizuelnim oblicima kroz koje imate potrebu da se izazite. Glasno!
Kategorije za koje se možete prijaviti su sledeće:
• Kratki uradi sam film. Odnosi se na filmove u svim rodovima i tehnikama izrade (igrani, dokumentarni, animirani, eksperimentalni), nastalim u neprofesionalnim okolnostima, bez angažovanja profesionalnih radnika i bez profesionalnih obaveza tokom i nakon realizacije.
• Nezavisni kratki film. Podrazumeva filmove koji ne odgovaraju uradi sam kriterijumima, a koji su nastali u slobodnoj produkciji, bez komercijalnih namera i producentskih pritisaka.
• Loud Film. Ovom kategorijom želimo da vas pozovemo da skrenete pažnju na pojave i događaje u društvu ili vašem okruženju koje možda izjedaju tiho, a zaslužuju glasnu reakciju. Zabodite prst u oko, dunite u pištaljku, uperite kameru u srž problema, bacite kamenčić koji će da pokrene lanačnu reakciju. Loud film nema žanrovskih ograničenja, važno je samo da je vaše delo nastalo kao potreba da dignete glas u ime onih koji ćute.
Mikropolis nagrade - ručno rađene statuete - dodeliće tročlani žiri.
Mikropolis nagrade - ručno rađene statuete - dodeliće tročlani žiri.
Propozicije konkursa za 8. MikroFAF:
1. Rok za dostavljanje radova je do 15. avgusta.
2. Prihvatljivo trajanje rada je do 15 minuta.
3. Maksimalan broj filmova po autoru je tri.
4. Ne postoje ograničenja u odnosu na zemlju porekla autora ili filma.
5. Autor treba da naznači za koju kategorija prijavljuje film (Uradi sam film, Nezavisni kratki film, Loud Film). Ukoliko to ne učini ili ako film ne odgovara prijavljenoj kategoriji, organizatori će u odnosu na temu ili „uradi sam” princip uključiti film u jednu od selekcija po svom nahođenju.
6. Filmovi koji nisu na srpskohrvatskom ili engleskom jeziku, moraju imati prevod (na jedan od ova dva pomenuta jezika).
7. Radovi se prijavljuju tako što ih pošaljete elektronskim putem podizanjem filma na neki od sajtova za deljenje velikih fajlova (Wetransfer, DropBox, SendSpace,Yousendit, FileConvoy i sl.) i ispišete podatke koje nam pošaljete na e-mail festivala mikro.faf@gmail.com, nakon čega će vam prijem biti potvrđen i film će se smatrati prijavljenim.
8. Podaci koje je neophodno dostaviti su: naziv filma, ime i prezime autora, godina i zemlja produkcije, kratak opis (maksimalno 500 reči) i trajanje filma, kratka biografija autora (maksimalno 500 reči), kontakt telefon i e-mail autora. Nepotpune prijave neće biti razmatrane.
2. Prihvatljivo trajanje rada je do 15 minuta.
3. Maksimalan broj filmova po autoru je tri.
4. Ne postoje ograničenja u odnosu na zemlju porekla autora ili filma.
5. Autor treba da naznači za koju kategorija prijavljuje film (Uradi sam film, Nezavisni kratki film, Loud Film). Ukoliko to ne učini ili ako film ne odgovara prijavljenoj kategoriji, organizatori će u odnosu na temu ili „uradi sam” princip uključiti film u jednu od selekcija po svom nahođenju.
6. Filmovi koji nisu na srpskohrvatskom ili engleskom jeziku, moraju imati prevod (na jedan od ova dva pomenuta jezika).
7. Radovi se prijavljuju tako što ih pošaljete elektronskim putem podizanjem filma na neki od sajtova za deljenje velikih fajlova (Wetransfer, DropBox, SendSpace,Yousendit, FileConvoy i sl.) i ispišete podatke koje nam pošaljete na e-mail festivala mikro.faf@gmail.com, nakon čega će vam prijem biti potvrđen i film će se smatrati prijavljenim.
8. Podaci koje je neophodno dostaviti su: naziv filma, ime i prezime autora, godina i zemlja produkcije, kratak opis (maksimalno 500 reči) i trajanje filma, kratka biografija autora (maksimalno 500 reči), kontakt telefon i e-mail autora. Nepotpune prijave neće biti razmatrane.
Napomene: Jednom prijavljen film nije moguće odjaviti; festival zadržava pravo na prikazivanje filma više puta kao deo selekcije festivalskog programa uz obaveštavanje autora, kao i na korišćenje isečaka ili fotografija iz filma u promotivne svrhe.
Za sve dodatne informacije pišite nam na mikro.faf@gmail.com
Vaš MikroFAF tim
Dear lovers of "do it yourself" movies of all ages and occupations,
We invite you to submit your works to the competition for the eighth edition of the international Short Film Festival MikroFAF, organized by the Association "Satibara".
This year we will gather and watch movies from the 5th to the 7th of October at the Museum of Yugoslav Film Archive in Belgrade (Serbia).
The slogan of the Festival is LOUD EDITION.
We keep focusing on artistic freedom, self-organization, guerilla, art brut, low-fi movie, experimental forms and all audio-visual forms through which you can express yourself. Loud!
The categories you can sign up for are:
• Short DIY Film. It refers to movies of all genres (fiction, documentary, animated, experimental...) and production techniques, made in non-professional circumstances, without the involvement of film professionals and without professional obligations during or after the production.
This year we will gather and watch movies from the 5th to the 7th of October at the Museum of Yugoslav Film Archive in Belgrade (Serbia).
The slogan of the Festival is LOUD EDITION.
We keep focusing on artistic freedom, self-organization, guerilla, art brut, low-fi movie, experimental forms and all audio-visual forms through which you can express yourself. Loud!
The categories you can sign up for are:
• Short DIY Film. It refers to movies of all genres (fiction, documentary, animated, experimental...) and production techniques, made in non-professional circumstances, without the involvement of film professionals and without professional obligations during or after the production.
• Independent Short Film. It refers to film makers that do not correspond to DIY criteria, who work in independent production, without commercial intentions and pressures of the producers.
• Loud Film. With this category, we want to invite you to draw attention to the phenomenon and events in a society or environment, which may be "killing" quietly and deserve a loud response. Stack your finger in the eye, dangle into the whistle, point your camera to the core of the problem, throw a stone that will trigger a chain reaction. Loud Film has no genre restrictions, it's only important that your work was created as a need to raise a voice in behalf of those who are silent.
Mikropolis Prizes - handmade statuettes - will be given by a three-member jury consisting of renowned artists from various areas of the arts.
Mikropolis Prizes - handmade statuettes - will be given by a three-member jury consisting of renowned artists from various areas of the arts.
Contest rules for 8th MikroFAF:
1. The deadline for submitting entries is 15th August, 2017.
2. Acceptable duration of short films is up to 15 minutes.
3. A maximum of three works can be submitted by each author.
4. There are no restrictions on the country of origin of the author.
5. The author may indicate which category they are entering the film for (Short DIY Film, Independent Short Film, Loud Film). If the author does not state an award or the film does not correspond to the chosen selection, the organisers will use their discretion to enter the film into a suitable category.
6. Films that are not in Serbian or English must have a translation (in one of the two languages mentioned).
7. You can apply electronically by uploading the films to one of the sites for sharing large files (Yousendit, Sendspace, Wetransfer, DropBox, FileConvoy etc.) and send the download link, along with the necessary information, to the festival email (mikro.faf@gmail.com). You will be sent confirmation that we have received it and the movie will be considered entered.
8. VERY IMPORTANT – Required Information when applying: the name of the movie, country of production, the duration and a brief description (up to 500 words) of the film, the author's name, age and a short author biography (up to 500 words), contact phone number and an e-mail address for the author. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
1. The deadline for submitting entries is 15th August, 2017.
2. Acceptable duration of short films is up to 15 minutes.
3. A maximum of three works can be submitted by each author.
4. There are no restrictions on the country of origin of the author.
5. The author may indicate which category they are entering the film for (Short DIY Film, Independent Short Film, Loud Film). If the author does not state an award or the film does not correspond to the chosen selection, the organisers will use their discretion to enter the film into a suitable category.
6. Films that are not in Serbian or English must have a translation (in one of the two languages mentioned).
7. You can apply electronically by uploading the films to one of the sites for sharing large files (Yousendit, Sendspace, Wetransfer, DropBox, FileConvoy etc.) and send the download link, along with the necessary information, to the festival email (mikro.faf@gmail.com). You will be sent confirmation that we have received it and the movie will be considered entered.
8. VERY IMPORTANT – Required Information when applying: the name of the movie, country of production, the duration and a brief description (up to 500 words) of the film, the author's name, age and a short author biography (up to 500 words), contact phone number and an e-mail address for the author. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Notes: Once entered, it is not possible to withdraw your film from the festival. The festival reserves the right to show the film several times as part of the selection of the festival program, as well as the use of clips or stills from the film for promotional purposes. Authors will be informed about any such actions.
Good luck!
Yours, MikroFAF